美国数学会《Mathematical Reviews》评论员
序号 |
名称 |
项目来源 |
负责人 |
执行 期限 |
资助 金额 |
进展 情况 |
3 |
非光滑系统全局动力学及其应用研究(编号:11732014) |
国家自然科学基金 重点项目子课题 |
合作 负责人 |
2018.01- 2022.12 |
56.1万 |
在研 |
2 |
弧形结构振动系统吸引域多重突变机理研究(编号:11572205) |
国家自然科学基金 面上项目 |
张永祥 |
2016.01-2019.12 |
55.2万 |
结题 |
1 |
多稳定系统的特殊吸引子的全局动力学转迁机制(编号:11002092) |
国家自然科学基金青年项目 |
张永祥 |
2011.01-2013.12 |
20万 |
结题 |
[1] Yongxiang Zhang*, Yunzhu Shen, A new route to strange nonchaotic attractors in an interval map, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,2020, 30(4): 2050063.
[2]Fanhui Zhang, Yongxiang Zhang*, Wada fractal basins of attraction in a zero-stiffness vibration isolation system, Fractals, 2020, 28(4): 2050023.
[3]Yunzhu Shen, Yongxiang Zhang*, Sajad Jafari, Coexistence of strange nonchaotic attractors in a quasiperiodically forced dynamical map, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,2020,30(13)2050183
[4]Yunzhu Shen, Yongxiang Zhang*, Mechanisms of strange nonchaotic attractors in a nonsmooth system with border-collision bifurcations, Nonlinear Dynamics,2019, 96(2): 1405-1428.
[5]Yunzhu Shen, Yongxiang Zhang*, Strange nonchaotic attractors in a quasiperiodically forced piecewise smooth system with Farey tree, Fractals, 2019, 27(7): 1950118.
[6] Guiqin Kong, Yongxiang Zhang*, Basin reversal in nonlinear driven oscillators, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 96 (2): 1213-1231.
[7]Guiqin Kong, Yongxiang Zhang*, A special type of explosion of basin boundary, Physics Letters A, 2019, 383 (11): 1151-1156.
[8]Yongxiang Zhang*,Guanwei Luo,Multistability of a three-degree-of-freedom vibro-impact system,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2018, 57 (3): 331-341.
[9] Yongxiang Zhang*, Guanwei Luo, Detecting unstable periodic orbits and unstable quasiperiodic orbitsin vibro-impact systems, International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 2017, 96(11): 12-21.
[10] Yongxiang Zhang*,Xiangpeng Xie , Guanwei Luo,Multiple nested basin boundaries in nonlinear driven oscillators,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation , 2017, 44 (4): 220-228.
[11] Yongxiang Zhang*,Characterizing fractal basin boundaries for planar switched systems, Fractals, 2017, 25(3): 1750031.
[12] Yongxiang Zhang*, Huaguang Zhang, Metamorphoses of basin boundaries with complex topology in an archetypal oscillator, Nonlinear Dynamics,2015, 79(4) : 2309-2323.
[13] Yongxiang Zhang*,Huaguang Zhang,Wenzhong Gao, Multiple Wada basins with common boundaries in nonlinear driven oscillators,Nonlinear Dynamics,2015, 79(4): 2667-2674.
[14] Huaguang Zhang, Yongxiang Zhang*, Guanwei Luo, Basins of coexisting multi-dimensional tori in a vibro-impact system, Nonlinear Dynamics,2015, 79(3): 2177-2185.
[15] Yongxiang Zhang*, Guanwei Luo, Qingjie Cao, Mei Lin, Wada basin dynamics of a shallow arch oscillator with more than 20 coexisting low-period periodic attractors, International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 2014, 58(1):151-161.
[16] Yongxiang Zhang,Huaguang Zhang, Wada basin boundaries in switched systems,Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, 76(1): 281-288.
[17] Yongxiang Zhang*,Liangfu Lu, Basin boundaries with nested structure in a shallow arch oscillator,Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, 77(4):1121-1132.
[18] Yongxiang Zhang*,Strange nonchaotic attractors with Wada basins,Physica D, 2013, 259(9): 26-36.
[19] Yongxiang Zhang*,Guanwei Luo,Torus-doubling bifurcations and strange nonchaotic attractors in a vibro-impact system,Journal of Sound and Vibration,2013, 332(21): 5462-5475.
[20] Yongxiang Zhang*, Guanwei Luo, Wada bifurcations and partially Wada basin boundaries in a two-dimensional cubic map,Physics Letters A, 2013, 377 (18): 1274–1281.
[21] Yongxiang Zhang*, Wada basins of strange nonchaotic attractors in a quasiperiodically forced system,Physics Letters A , 2013, 377 (18): 1269-1273.
[22] Yongxiang Zhang*, Switching-induced Wada basin boundaries in the Hénon map,Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013, 73(4): 2221-2229.
[23] Yongxiang Zhang*, Guanwei Luo, Unpredictability of the Wada property in the parameter plane,Physics Letters A ,2012, 376 (45): 3060-3066.
[24] Yongxiang Zhang*, Guanwei Luo, A special type of codimension two bifurcation and unusual dynamics in a phase-modulated system with switched strategy, Nonlinear Dynamics,2012, 67 (4): 2727-2734.
[25] Yongxiang Zhang*,Guiqin Kong, Jianning Yu,Yandong Chu. Chaotic bubbles and phase locking for a shaker system in the vicinity of three coexisting critical points. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory,2010, 18 (6) : 881-895.
[26] Yongxiang Zhang*,Guiqin Kong, Multifarious intertwined basin boundaries of strange nonchaotic attractors in a quasiperiodically forced system. Physics Letters A ,2009, 374 (2): 208-213.
[27] Yongxiang Zhang*,Guiqin Kong, Jianning Yu. Critical curves and coexisting attractors in a quasiperiodically forced delayed system. Physics Letters A ,2009, 373(15): 1341-1345.
[28] Yongxiang Zhang*,Guiqin Kong, Jianning Yu. Bistability and dynamical transitions in a phase-modulated delayed system. Modern Physics Letters B, 2009, 23(23): 2733-2743..
[29] Yongxiang Zhang*,Guiqin Kong, Jianning Yu,Yandong Chu. A special type of attractor and transitions in a delayed system. Physics Letters A, 2008, 372(38): 5979-5983.
[30] Yongxiang Zhang,G. Kong,J.Yu. Two codimension-three bifurcations and non-typical routes to chaos of a shaker system,Acta Physica Sinca,2008, 57 (10): 6182-6187.
硕士研究生 |
备 注 |
2016级 |
张凡辉 |
2017级 |
沈云柱 |
(1)2019年山东省研究生优秀成果奖; (2)2018-2019学年研究生国家奖学金. |
QQ 号: 346699619
E-mail: zyx9701@126.com