李正兴,男,1974年12月出生,太阳集团tcy8722副教授、硕士研究生导师,太阳集团tcy8722卓越人 才。美国数学会《Mathematical Reviews》特约评论员,《Science China Mathematics》、《Acta Mathematica Scientia》、《Communications in Mathematical Research》等数学类专业杂志审稿人。
序号 |
名称 |
项目来源 |
负责人 |
执行 期限 |
资助 金额 |
进展 情况 |
1 |
群扩张对有限群Coleman 自同构的影响(2016M590613) |
中国博士后科学基金 面上项目(一等) |
李正兴 |
2016.06- 2018.06 |
8.00万 |
在研 |
2 |
有限群类保持自同构及其应用(BS2012F003) |
山东省优秀中青年科学家奖励基金项目 |
李正兴 |
2012.06- 2015.06 |
4.00万 |
结题 |
3 |
有限群的C-自同构及其应用 (J14LI10) |
山东省高等学校科技计划项目 |
李正兴 |
2014.06- 2017.06 |
5.00万 |
在研 |
4 |
山东省高等学校优秀骨干教师国际合作培养项目 |
山东省教育厅项目 |
李正兴 |
2014.06- 2015.06 |
5.00万 |
结题 |
序号 |
名称 |
项目来源 |
负责人 |
执行 期限 |
资助 金额 |
进展 情况 |
1 |
数域中素理想在算术级数中的平均分布(11401329) |
国家自然科学基金 青年项目 |
刘奎 (李正兴2/4) |
2014/01- 2017/12 |
22万 |
在研 |
2 |
有限群整群环的正规化子问题 (11171169) |
国家自然科学基金 面上项目 |
海进科 (李正兴4/10) |
2012.01- 2015.12 |
36.00万 |
结题 |
3 |
有限群的Coleman自同构 (Y2008A03) |
山东省自然科学 基金项目 |
海进科 (李正兴2/6) |
2009.01- 2011.12 |
5.00万 |
结题 |
序号 |
名称 |
项目来源 |
负责人 |
执行 期限 |
资助 金额 |
进展 情况 |
1 |
高等代数教学模式创新研究(No. JY1169) |
太阳集团tcy8722教研项目 |
李正兴 |
2013.01- 2013.12 |
0.15万 |
结题 |
2 |
高等代数校级精品课程建设 |
太阳集团tcy8722教研项目 |
海进科 (李正兴3/4) |
2006.01- 2006.12 |
1.00万 |
结题 |
1. Zhengxing Li, Yuanlin Li, Hongwei Gao, the influence of maximal quotient groups on the normalizer conjecture of integral group rings, Journal of Group Theory, accepted
2. Zhengxing Li, Yuanlin Li, Class-preserving Coleman automorphisms of permutational wreath products with 2-closed base groups, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, accepted
3. Zhengxing Li, Coleman automorphisms of permutational wreath products, Communications in Algebra, 2016, 44(9): 3933-3938
4. Zhengxing Li, Yuanlin Li, Coleman automorphisms of generalized dihedral groups, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2016, 32(2): 251-257
5. Zhengxing Li, On C-automorphisms of finite groups admitting a strongly 2-embedded subgroup, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 2015, 87(3-4): 385-392
6. 李正兴, 海进科, 所有非平凡自同构均无固定点的有限群, 数学学报, 2015, 58(3): 419-422
7. Zhengxing Li, Jinke Hai, The normalizer property for integral group rings of a class of complete monomial groups, Communications in Algebra, 2014, 42(6): 2502-2509
8. Zhengxing Li, Jinke Hai, Coleman automorphisms of holomorphs of finite abelian groups, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2014, 30(9): 1549-1554
9. Zhengxing Li, Jinke Hai, Coleman automorphisms of standard wreath products of nilpotent groups by groups with prescribed Sylow 2-subgroups, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 2014, 13(5): 1350156.1-1350156.9
10. Zhengxing Li, Jinke Hai, Shuxian Yang, Coleman automorphisms of finite groups with a unique nontrivial normal subgroup, Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications, 2014, 34(3): 301-306
11. Jinke Hai, Zhengxing Li, On class-preserving Coleman automorphisms of finite separable groups, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 2014, 13(3): 1350110.1-1350110.8
12. Jinke Hai, Zhengxing Li, On Coleman outer automorphism groups of finite groups, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2014, 34B(3): 790-796
13. Zhengxing Li, Jinke Hai, Coleman automorphisms of standard wreath products of finite abelian groups by 2-closed groups, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 2013, 82(3-4): 599-605
14. 李正兴, 海进科, 有限幂零群通过对称群扩张的整群环的正规化子性质, 数学学报, 2013, 56(4): 519-526
15. Zhengxing Li, Jinke Hai, Class-preserving Coleman automorphisms of finite groups whose second maximal subgroups are TI-subgroups, Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications, 2013, 33(2): 241-245
16. Zhengxing Li, Jinke Hai, The normalizer property for integral group rings of finite solvable T-groups, Journal of Group Theory, 2012, 15(2): 237-243
17. Jinke Hai, Zhengxing Li, A characterization of M_{pi}-groups, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2013, 33B(4): 1071-1075
18. Jinke Hai, Zhengxing Li, The normalizer property for integral group rings of some finite nilpotent-by-nilpotent groups, Communications in Algebra, 2012, 42(7): 2613-2627
19. 海进科, 李正兴,有限幂零群通过单群扩张的整群环的正规化子性质, 数学学报, 2012, 55(5): 791-796
20. 海进科, 李正兴,具有阿贝尔Sylow 2-子群的有限群的整群环的正规化子性质, 数学学报, 2012, 55(1): 187-193
21. 海进科, 李正兴, M_{pi}-群的一个注记, 数学学报, 2012, 55(4): 649-653
22. 李正兴, 海进科, 阿贝尔群与极大类p-群的半直积的Coleman自同构,数学物理学报, 2012, 32A(2): 344-348
23. Zhengxing Li, Jinke Hai, The normalizer property for integral group rings of wreath products of finite nilpotent groups by some 2-groups, Journal of Group Theory, 2011, 14(2): 299-306
24. Zhengxing Li, Jinke Hai, The normalizer property for integral group rings of wreath products of finite nilpotent groups by cyclic groups, Communications in Algebra, 2011, 39(2): 521-533
25. Zhengxing Li, Jinke hai, On centralizer subalgebras of group algebras, Communications in Mathematical Research, 2011, 27(3): 227-233
26. Jinke Hai, Zhengxing Li, On Coleman automorphisms of wreath products of finite nilpotent groups by abelian groups, Science China Mathematics, 2011, 54(10): 2253-2257
27. Jinke Hai, Zhengxing Li, Remarks on gamma_K-classes and semi-inertia subgroups of finite groups, Journal of Mathematica, 2011, 31(6): 1045-1048
28. Jinke Hai, Zhengxing Li, Remarks on representations of finite groups over an arbitrary field of characteristic zero, Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition, 2011, 31(3): 437-442
29. 海进科, 李正兴,有限ATI-群的类保持Coleman自同构,数学学报, 2010, 53(5): 891-896