1982年9月—1986年7月, 中南民族大学数学系学习;
2001年6月—至今, 太阳集团tcy8722数学学院工作。
序号 |
名称 |
项目来源 |
负责人 |
执行 期限 |
资助 金额 |
进展 情况 |
1 |
有限群整群环的正规化子问题(No.11171169) |
国家自然科学基金 面上项目 |
海进科 |
2012.01- 2015.12 |
36.00万 |
结题 |
2 |
有限群的幂自同构与主因子的嵌入(No.11071155) |
国家自然科学基金 面上项目 |
海进科(合作项目) |
2011.01- 2013.12 |
5.00万 |
结题 |
3 |
局部分析与有限群的共轭类(No.10771132) |
国家自然科学基金 面上项目 |
海进科(合作项目) |
2008.01- 2010.12 |
5.00万 |
结题 |
4 |
有限群的Coleman自同构(No.Y2008A03) |
山东省自然科学基金 面上项目 |
海进科 |
2009.01- 2011.12 |
5.00万 |
结题 |
5 |
有限群表示及其在信息安全中的应用(No.J07yh06) |
山东省教育厅 |
海进科 |
2008.01- 2010.12 |
3.00万 |
结题 |
6 |
有限群模表示理论与编码 (No.03bs006) |
山东省博士基金 |
海进科 |
2004.01- 2006.12 |
5.00万 |
结题 |
7 |
有限群的局部性质与对偶饱和群系(No.10471085) |
国家自然科学基金 面上项目 |
海进科(合作项目) |
2005.01- 2007.12 |
4.00万 |
结题 |
8 |
整群环中挠单位的有理共轭性问题(NO.ZR2016AM21) |
山东省自然科学基金 面上项目 |
海进科 |
2016.11-2019.6 |
12万 |
在研 |
54.HaiJinke , Zhu Yixin ,On Coleman Automorphisms of Extensions of Finite Quasinilpotent Groups by Some Groups,Algebra Colloquium,25(2)(2018),181-188. (SCI)
53.HaiJinke ,GuoJiDong,The normalizer property of integral group rings ofsemidirect products of finite 2-closed groups by rational groups,Comm. Algebra,46(3)(2018):1237-1242.(SCI)
52.海进科,郭继东,Zassenhaus猜想的一个注记,数学学报,2018, Vol.61, No.3,441-446.
51. HaiJinke ,GuoJiDong, The normalizer property for integral group ring of the wreath product of two symmetric groups $S_{k}$ and $S_{n}$. Comm. Algebra, 45 (2017):1278-1283.(SCI)
50. HaiJinke, GeShengbo, On class-preserving Coleman automorphisms of semidirect products of finite nilpotent groups by finite groups, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 90(1-2)(2017): 217–226(SCI).
49. HaiJinke, GeShengbo and HeWeiping, The normalizer property for integral group rings of holomorphs of finite nilpotent groups and the symmetric groups, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications. 16(2)(2017),DOI: 10.1142/S0219498816500250(SCI).
48.海进科,吕欣欣,关于交错群$A_5$与二面体群$D_6$直积的整群环的挠单位,数学学报,2017, Vol.60, No.6, 983-992.
47. HaiJinke, GeShengbo, On Coleman Automorphisms of Finite Nilpotent Groups by Cyclic Groups,Acta Mathematica Sinica,32(12)(2016):1459-1464(SCI).
46. 海进科,戈升波,有限群整群环的正规化子性质,中国科学,45(6)(2015),745-750.
45.李正兴,海进科,所有非平凡的自同构均无固定点的有限群, 数学学报,2015, 58(3): 419--422.
44. HaiJinke, LiZhengxing, On class-preserving Coleman automorphisms of finite separable groups,Journal of Algebra and Its Applications,13(3) (2014).(SCI)
43. Hai Jinke, Li Zhengxing, On Coleman outer automorphism groups of finite groups, Acta Mathematica Scientia ,34B(3) (2014):790–796(SCI).
42.Li Zhengxing, Hai Jinke, The normalizer property for integral group rings of a class of complete monomial groups, Communications in Algebra, 2014, 42 : 2502–2509.(SCI)
41. Li Zhengxing, Hai Jinke,Coleman automorphisms of holomorphs of finite abelian groups, Acta Mathematica Sinica, 2014, 30(9): 1549–1554.(SCI)
40. Li Zhengxing, Hai Jinke,Coleman automorphisms of standard wreath product of nilpotent groups by groups with prescribed Sylow 2-subgroups, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2014, 13(5).(SCI)
39. Li Zhengxing, Hai Jinke, Yang Shuxian, Coleman automorphisms of finite groups with a unique nontrivial normal subgroup, J. Math. Research Appl., 2014, 34(3): 301-306.
38. Hai Jinke, Li Zhengxing, A characterization of M
-groups, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2013, 33B(4): 1071-1075.(SCI)
37. Li Zhengxing, Hai Jinke, Coleman automorphisms of standard wreath products of finite abelian groups by 2-closed groups, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 2013, 82(4): 99-605.(SCI)
36.李正兴,海进科,有限幂零群通过对称群扩张的整群环的正规化子性质,数学学报,2013,56(4): 519-526.
35. Li Zhengxing, Hai Jinke, Class-preserving Coleman automorphisms of finite groups whose second maximal subgroups are TI-subgroups, J. Math. Research Appl., 2013, 33(2): 241-245.
34. Hai Jinke, Li Zhengxing, The normalizer property for integral group rings of some finite nilpotent-by-nilpotent groups, Communications in Algebra, 2012, 40(7): 2613-2627.(SCI)
33. Li Zhengxing, Hai Jinke, The normalizer property for integral group rings of finite solvable T-groups, Journal of Group Theory, 2012, 15(2): 237-243.(SCI)
32.海进科, 李正兴, 具有阿贝尔Sylow 2-子群的有限群的整群环的正规化子性质, 数学学报, 2012, 55(1): 187-192.
-群的一个注记, 数学学报,2012, 55(4): 649-652.
30.海进科, 李正兴,有限幂零群通过单群扩张的整群环的正规化子性质,数学学报,2012, 55(5): 791-796.
29.李正兴,海进科,阿贝尔群与极大类p-群的半直积的Coleman自同构,数学物理学报,2012, 32A(2): 344-348.
28.Hai Jinke, Li Zhengxing, On Coleman automorphisms of wreath products of finite nilpotent groups by abelian groups, Science China Mathematics, 2011, Vol. 54, No. 10, 2253-2257. (SCI)
27. Li Zhengxing, Hai Jinke, The normalizer property for integral group rings of wreath products of finite nilpotent groups by some 2-groups, Journal of Group Theory, 2011, Vol. 14, No. 2, 299-306. (SCI)
26. Li Zhengxing, Hai Jinke, The normalizer property for integral group
rings of finite nilpotent groups by cyclic groups, Communications in
Algebra,39 (2011), 521-533. (SCI)
25.Hai Jinke,Li Zhengxing, Remarks on Representations of Finite Group
over an Arbitrary Field of Characteristic Zero, Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition,31(2)(2011),243-249.
24.Hai Jinke, Li Zhengxing, Remarks on
-classes and semi-inertia
subgroups of finite groups, Journal of Mathematics (PRC), 2011, Vol.
31, No. 6, 1045-1048.
23.Li Zhengxing, Hai Jinke, On centralizer subalgebras of group algebras, Communications in Mathematical Research, 2011, Vol. 27, No. 3, 227-233.
22.海进科, 李正兴, 有限ATI-群的类保持Coleman自同构, 数学学报, 2010, Vol. 53, No. 5, 891-896.
21.Hai Jinke, Zhu Yixin, On the number of
-characters in a nilpotent
-block, Science in China, 5(1) (2008), 1-4. (SCI)
20.海进科, 王玉雷,具有一个 T.I. Sylow
-子群的有限群的类保持Coleman自同构,数学学报, 2008, Vol.51, No.6, 1115-1118.
分条件,数学杂志, 2008, Vol.28, No.6, 653-658.
-特征标个数的一个注记,中国科学, 2007, Vol.37, No.11, 1279-1282.
17.Hai Jinke, Wang Zhijun, Nilpotent table algebras, Journal of Mathematics (PRC), 27(6)(2007), 641-644.
16. Hai Jinke, The extension of the first main theorem for
-blocks ,
Science in china, 49(5) (2006), 620-625. (SCI)
15.HaiJinke, On
-subpairs of
-blocks, Acta Mathematica Scinina,
22(6) (2006), 1751-1756. (SCI)
14.Hai Jinke, Wang zhijun, A note on Zorn's Theorem, Northeast Math. J. 22(3)(2006), 329-334.
-块上第一主要定理的扩张,中国科学, 36(3)( 2006), 333-339.
12. Hai Jinke, On the isomorphisms of the character rings, Science in China, 45(1) (2005), 86-96. (SCI)
11.Hai Jinke, A note on the character rings, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 29(6) (2005), 1057-1062.
10.Hai Jinke, Zhu Yixin, A note on irreducible characters of
-degree in
-separable groups, Journal of Mathematics (PRC), 24(6)(2004), 607-609.
9.海进科, 特征标环的代数同构,中国科学, 34(3) (2004), 323-331.
8. Hai Jinke, Zhu Yixin,
-height zero characters in the principal
-block and
-nilpotent of a
-separable group, Algebra Colloquium,
10(3)(2003), 267-273. (SCI)
7. Hai Jinke, Zhu Yixin, Lifting generalized characters on the Principal
-block, Journal of Mathematics (PRC), 23 (2)(2003),407-411.
6.海进科, 樊恽,关于
-局部群系的几个结果, 数学学报, 45(2) (2002), 343-348.
5. FanYun, Hai Jinke, A note on
-Engel condition ,Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 25(2) (2001), 223-228.
4.Hai Jinke, Zhu Yixin,
-theory of characters and normal
-complement, Journal of Mathematics (PRC), 21(1) (2001), 116-120.
3.海进科, 关于
-中心, 数学杂志, 21(2) (2001), 223-226.
2.Hai Jinke ,On the product of two nilpotent subgroups of a finite group , Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition, 20(3)(2000), 345-348.
1.海进科, On
-hypercenter of finite groups, 数学进展, 2000,Vol.29, No.4.
硕士研究生 |
备 注 |
2003级 |
王玉雷 |
王志俊 |
2004级 |
王 刚磊 |
2005级 |
李诠娜 |
杨晓萍 |
2007级 |
徐涛 |
霍双双 |
杜贵清 |
2008级 |
李晓燕 |
王琰 |
杨晓翠 |
2009级 |
李欣 |
崔艳敏 |
王倩 |
冯璇 |
2010级 |
魏娇娇 |
王胜芳 |
张校瑞 |
2011级 |
吕欣欣 |
纪富强 |
刘勤韬 |
2012级 |
宋彩霞 徐涛 |
刘先军 |
华志 |
2013级 |
何威萍 |
王伟 |
2014级 |
金程程 张培鑫 |
常秀风 黄绪荣 |
吕瑞珍 |
2015级 |
尚博 郝延芹 |
赵文英 王兆权 |
王玉萍 |
2016级 |
李青风 |
赵艳微 |
刘贺 |
2017级 |
刘建霞 |
赵乐乐 |