

  • 来源:太阳集团tcy8722
  • 发布时间:2021-09-13
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教育背景  |  Educational Background



工作经历  |  Work Experience


代表性科研论文  |  Representative Publications

1. Miaomiao Gao, Daqing Jiang*, Tasawar Hayat. The threshold of a chemostat model with single-species growth on two nutrients under telegraph noise. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 75: 160-173, 2019.

2. Miaomiao Gao, Daqing Jiang*. Stationary distribution of a stochastic food chain chemostat model with general response functions. Applied Mathematics Letters, 91: 151-157, 2019. 

3. Miaomiao Gao, Daqing Jiang*. Ergodic stationary distribution of a stochastic chemostat model with regime switching. Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 524: 491-502, 2019.

4. Miaomiao Gao, Daqing Jiang*, Tasawar Hayat, Ahmed Alsaedi, Bashir Ahmad. Dynamics of a stochastic chemostat competition model with plasmid-bearing and plasmid-free organisms. Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 10: 1464-1481, 2020.

5. Miaomiao Gao, Daqing Jiang*, Tasawar Hayat, Ahmed Alsaedi. Stationary distribution and extinction for a food chain chemostat model with random perturbation. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 44: 1013-1028, 2021.

6. Miaomiao Gao, Daqing Jiang, Xiangdan Wen*. Stationary distribution and extinction for a stochastic two-compartment model of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. International Journal of Biomathematics, 14: 2150065, 2021.

7. Miaomiao Gao, Daqing Jiang, Xiangdan Wen*. Long-time behavior and density function of a stochastic chemostat model with degenerate diffusion. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 35: 931-952, 2022.

8. Miaomiao Gao, Daqing Jiang*, Tasawar Hayat, Ahmed Alsaedi, Bashir Ahmad. Dynamics of a stochastic HIV/AIDS model with treatment under regime switching. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 27: 3177-3211, 2022.

9. Miaomiao Gao, Daqing Jiang*, Tasawar Hayat, Ahmed Alsaedi. Extinction and positive recurrence of a regime-switching HIV/AIDS model with treatment and standard incidence. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 45: 10982-11002, 2022.

10. Miaomiao Gao, Daqing Jiang*. Stationary distribution of a chemostat model with distributed delay and stochastic perturbations. Applied Mathematics Letters, 123: 107585, 2022. 



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