2009/09– 2013/06,西安交通大学,太阳集团tcy8722,博士
2007/09– 2009/07,西安交通大学,理学院,硕士
2003/09– 2007/07,曲阜师范大学,数学与应用数学系,学士
2013/06 –至今,太阳集团tcy8722,数学科学学院,讲师
2011/09 – 2012/09,美国普渡大学,数学系,国家公派联合培养博士生
序号 |
名称 |
项目来源 |
负责人 |
执行 期限 |
资助 金额 |
进展 情况 |
3 |
流体界面问题的自适应有限元方法研究(编号:2015137) |
青岛市博士后应用研究项目资助 |
宋丽娜 |
2015.12- 2017.12 |
5.00万 |
在研 |
2 |
奇异摄动对流扩散问题的自适应有限元方法研究 (编号:2015M570569) |
中国博士后科学基金面上项目 |
宋丽娜 |
2015.07-2017.07 |
8.00万 |
在研 |
1 |
具有间断粘性系数的不可压缩流动问题的自适应有限元方法(编号:11401332) |
国家自然科学基金 青年项目 |
宋丽娜 |
2015.01-2017.12 |
22.00万 |
在研 |
[1]Lina Song, Yanren Hou, Zhiqiang Cai. Recovery-based error estimator for stabilized finite element methods for the Stokes equations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 272: 1-16, 2014.(SCI,影响因子 2.959)
[2]Lina Song, Mingmei Gao. A posteriori error estimates for the stabilization of low-order mixed finite elements for the Stokes problem. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 279: 410-424, 2014. (SCI,影响因子 2.959)
[3]Lina Song, Yanren Hou, Haibiao Zheng. Adaptive local postprocessing finite element method for the Navier-Stokes equations. Journal of Scientific Computing, 55: 255-267, 2013. (SCI,影响因子 1.71)
[4]Lina Song, Yanren Hou, Haibiao Zheng. Adaptive variational multiscale method for the Stokes equations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 71: 1369-1381, 2013. (SCI,影响因子 1.352)
[5]Lina Song, Yanren Hou, Haibiao Zheng. The two-grid stabilization of equal-order finite elements for the Stokes equations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 67: 2054-2061, 2011. (SCI,影响因子 1.352)
[6]Lina Song, Yanren Hou, Haibiao Zheng. A variational multiscale method based on bubble functions for convection-dominated convection diffusion equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217: 2226-2237, 2010. (SCI,影响因子 1.6)
[7]Haibiao Zheng,Lina Song, Yanren Hou, Yuhong Zhang. The partition of unity parallel finite element algorithm.Advances in Computational mathematics, 41: 937-951, 2015. (SCI,影响因子 1.562)
[8]Hongbo Wei, Yanren Hou,Lina Song. Adaptive dimension splitting algorithm for three-dimensional elliptic equation. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 91:12, 2535-2553, 2014. (SCI,影响因子 0.721)
[9] Jianping Zhao, Yanren Hou,Lina Song. Modified intrinsic extend finite element method for elliptic equation with interfaces, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 97,147-159,2015.
[10]Jianping Zhao, Yanren Hou,Lina Song,Dongwei Gui. The stable extrinsic extended finite element method for second order elliptic equation with interfaces.Advances in Difference Equations,216,2015. (SCI,影响因子 0.64)
[11]Haibiao Zheng, Yanren Hou, Feng Shi,Lina Song. A finite element variational multiscale method for incompressible flows based on two local Gauss integrations. Journal of Computational Physics, 228: 5961-5971, 2009. (SCI,影响因子 2.485)
E-mail:songlina8587@163.com QQ 号:304230740