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2023.07 太阳集团tcy87222023年优秀研究生指导教师

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山东省自然科学基金面上项目:三维流体移动界面问题的无网格-有限元耦合方法(No. ZR2024MA025), 2025/01-2027/12 

山东省自然科学基金青年项目:自然对流与多孔介质流耦合问题的自适应无网格方法(No. ZR2019QA005), 2019/06-2022/06

国家自然科学基金青年项目:具有间断粘性系数的不可压缩流动问题的自适应有限元方法(No.11401332), 2015/01-2017/12 


[25] Ruiqing Mu , Lina Song , Qiushuo Qin. A meshless method based on the generalized finite difference method for 2D and 3D anisotropic elliptic interface problems.Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 163 (2024) 505-516. 

[24] Qiushuo Qin, Lina Song, Fan Liu. A meshless method based on the generalized finite difference method for three-dimensional elliptic interface problems, Computers and Mathematics with Applications,131(2023) 26-34.

[23] Qiushuo Qin, Lina Song, Quanxiang Wang. High-order meshless method based on the generalized finite difference method for 2D and 3D elliptic interface problems, Applied Mathematics Letters ,137 (2023) 108479.

[22] Fan Liu, Lina Song, Maosheng Jiang, Space-time generalized finite difference method for solving the thin elastic plate bending under dynamic loading., Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 143 (2022) 632-638.

[21] Fan Liu, Lina Song, Maosheng Jiang, Guangming Fu.Generalized finite difference method for solving the bending problem of variable thickness thin plate.,Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 139 (2022) 69-76.

[20] Yanan Xing, Lina Song, P.W. Li.A generalized finite difference method for solving biharmonic interface problems,Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 135 (2022) 132-144.

[19] Mengru Shao,Lina Song, P.W. Li. A generalized finite difference method for solving Stokes interface problems, Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem., 132 (2021) 50-64.

[18] Yanan Xing, Lina Song, Chia-Ming Fan, A generalized finite difference method for solving elasticity interface problems, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 128C (2021) 105-117.

[17] Lina Song, P.W. Li, Y. Gu, C.M. Fan, Generalized finite difference method for solving stationary 2D and 3D stokes equations with a mixed boundary condition, Computers and Mathematics with Applications Comput. Math. Appl., 80 (2020) 1726-1743.

[16] Yanan Xing, Lina Song, Xiaoming He, Changxin Qiu. A generalized finite difference method for solving elliptic interface problems. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2020, 178:109-124.

[15]Y. Gu, W. Qu, W. Chen, Lina Song, C.Z.Zhang. The generalized finite difference method for long-time dynamic modeling of three-dimensional coupled thermoelasticity problems. J. Comput. Phys., 384 (2019) 42-59.

[14]P.W. Li, Z. Fu, Y. Gu, Lina Song, The generalized finite difference method for the inverse Cauchy problem in linear elasticity. Int. J. Solids Struct., 174 (2019) 69-84.

[13]Lina Song, Hongwei Gao. Analysis of a Stokes interface problem in multi-subdomains.Applied Mathematics Letters, 2017,64:131-136.

[12] Lina SongHaiyan Su, Xinlong Feng. Recovery-based error estimator for stabilized finite element method for the stationary Navier-Stokes problem. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2016,38(6): A3758-A3772.

[11] Lina Song, Yanren Hou, Zhiqiang Cai. Recovery-based error estimator for stabilized finite element methods for the Stokes equations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 272: 1-16, 2014.

[10] Lina Song, Mingmei Gao. A posteriori error estimates for the stabilization of low-order mixed finite elements for the Stokes problem. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 279: 410-424, 2014.

[9] Lina Song, Yanren Hou, Haibiao Zheng. Adaptive local postprocessing finite element method for the Navier-Stokes equations. Journal of Scientific Computing, 55: 255-267, 2013.

[8] Lina Song, Yanren Hou, Haibiao Zheng. Adaptive variational multiscale method for the Stokes equations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 71: 1369-1381, 2013.

[7] Lina Song, Yanren Hou, Haibiao Zheng. The two-grid stabilization of equal-order finite elements for the Stokes equations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 67: 2054-2061, 2011.

[6] Lina Song, Yanren Hou, Haibiao Zheng. A variational multiscale method based on bubble functions for convection-dominated convection diffusion equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217: 2226-2237, 2010.

[5] Haibiao Zheng, Lina Song, Yanren Hou, Yuhong Zhang. The partition of unity parallel finite element algorithm. Advances in Computational mathematics, 41: 937-951, 2015.

[4] Hongbo Wei, Yanren Hou, Lina Song. Adaptive dimension splitting algorithm for three-dimensional elliptic equation. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 91:12, 2535-2553, 2014.

[3] Jianping Zhao, Yanren Hou, Lina Song. Modified intrinsic extend finite element method for elliptic equation with interfaces, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 97147-159,2015.

[2] Jianping Zhao, Yanren Hou, Lina Song, Dongwei Gui. The stable extrinsic extended finite element method for second order elliptic equation with interfaces.Advances in Difference Equations,216,2015.

[1] Haibiao Zheng, Yanren Hou, Feng Shi, Lina Song. A finite element variational multiscale method for incompressible flows based on two local Gauss integrations. Journal of Computational Physics, 228: 5961-5971, 2009.



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